There are 90 students living in Lakeview, and we all have to
fight over just three washers and three dryers. I did some basic math, and if
everyone in my building did their laundry once a week it would equal 12 people
per day. So, how exactly are 12 people going to do their laundry when most
people take up two machines at a time?
I don’t like to complain about my apartment; I actually love living in this building. But, can someone please buy us another washer and dryer? It is like I am going into a war once a week. Not to mention, I am paying over $8,000 a year to put up with this problem. After more math, that equals $720,000 the entire building is paying to ONU every year. I think they can afford one more washer and dryer, don’t you agree?
I don’t like to complain about my apartment; I actually love living in this building. But, can someone please buy us another washer and dryer? It is like I am going into a war once a week. Not to mention, I am paying over $8,000 a year to put up with this problem. After more math, that equals $720,000 the entire building is paying to ONU every year. I think they can afford one more washer and dryer, don’t you agree?
Meredith, I completely agree with you. Last year I lived in Klondike's Den and I dealt with the same problem. The math you did makes the situation seem even more outrageous. I appreciate our campus but I strongly dislike the laundry situation.