Sunday, September 14, 2014

What I Learned Wearing Letters

You have probably heard that joining Greek life will teach you about service, philanthropy and academics. This is all true, but I’m going to tell you about the other lessons I have learned through my years of being a sorority girl. 

1. I learned how to be nice to people I don’t like.                
Even in a sisterhood, there are people you don’t like. Don’t get me wrong, I would be there for any sister who needed a hand, but I don’t love every single personality in my chapter. Since I was forced to work and even live with women I didn’t like, I learned how to look past the negative aspects and recognize the good. You are stuck with these women for a lifetime, so you have to learn how to genuinely be nice to people who you may not favor.

2. I learned how to be a friend.
I truly didn’t understand what friendship was until I joined a sorority. Having the chance to live with 18 women and share very private moments with each other have taught me to be selfless and empathetic. I may not be the best at it, but I learned what friendship truly feels like.

3. I learned to get comfortable outside of my comfort zone.
Being in a sorority has pushed me to do things I would have never done otherwise. I have played tug of war in the mud, traveled to enormous conventions with strangers and volunteered for unexpected organizations. As a leader in my sorority, other women rely on me, so I have done things I didn’t particularly want to do. This has caused me to end up in places I never thought I would be, and I actually enjoyed all of these adventures.

4. I learned how to follow.

Sororities aren’t just about developing leaders, but also teaching others how to follow. Every sorority is given values to follow and live by.  It may sound like a cult, but these values are shared by every national member and hold us to a higher standard. Whenever I am wearing my letters, badge or invisible crown, I am reminded to be the best person I can be.

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