Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Social Media Creating Social Change

Chapter 25 of “Share This” explains how nonprofit organizations can benefit from using social media. The two seem like a likely pair since social media is a free form of advertising, and it has great power in bringing like-minded people together. Due to social networking, nonprofit organizations now have the ability to easily connect with millions across the globe and encourage people to join a movement. 

Online crowdsourcing tools have also made these initiatives possible. Kickstarter and JustGiving are two examples from the book that illustrate how easy it is to receive funding from complete strangers across the world. These sites allow users to donate money based off of a short elevator pitch from the organization presenting.

Other causes that have exploded from social media include: ALS, Water is Life and Kony. Before social media existed, these causes were not popular or even recognized. As “Share This” explains, these campaigns were successful because they were compatible and added value through the use of relevant information. 

Check out Water is Life's campaign below. The organization used the first world problems hashtag to bring awareness to their cause. 

Social media is almost the perfect outlet for new networks of people to form and develop groups that can potentially create social change. It allows for easy communication, fast response time, easy distribution of money and access to information. It would almost seem that social media was purposefully created just for nonprofits.

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