Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Getting My Foot in the Door

So, it’s time to enter the real world. As a college student, this task is challenging but possibly rewarding if done correctly. The truth is, rejection is undeniable. However, I feel the process of finding a first job may be a constructive learning experience.

As my advisor told me, “nobody knows you or your worth outside of your current network.” This statement completely opened my mind to the type of work I had to put into job searching. The truth is, up through college everyone knows your work ethic and talents, but the real world doesn’t know anything about you.

In order to make yourself look like more of an asset and less like a risk, there are a few steps you can take. I researched a guide for young professionals written by PR 20/20, a PR and marketing agency in Cleveland, OH. This guide will let you know some insider tips on how to sell yourself and go the extra mile on landing your first job.

Here are a few lessons I learned from the guide.

1. Go the extra mile.
If everyone has the same qualifications as you, a thank-you card could separate you from the competition. Consider yourself a contestant on The Bachelor, and you are in desperate need for the rose.

2. Creep!
A more respectable term would be researching. You have to dig up information on the employees, position and company to look competent and desirable. Not to mention, this process will allow you to enter the interview with more confidence and build your credibility.

3. Take this time to learn.
Finding your first job is overwhelming and probably full of rejection. However, there are many people you will meet along the way that can give you valuable insight to the unfamiliar real world. Take the time during interviews to ask questions and gain insight. This will make the interview beneficial for both you and the interviewer.

Enter the world with a fearless and ambitious attitude. Hopefully, with this advice, you can get your foot in the door.