Saturday, August 30, 2014

Inside Peek at Sorority Recruitment

 If you have seen a lot of pearls, letters, and top-siders around campus, it is probably because it is recruitment season at ONU. This week is dedicated to teaching others about the opportunities within Greek life and getting to know potential new members. However, this week is not all bows and monograms, so I will let you in on some secrets you may not know.

1. Recruitment rounds are like speed dating.
When a formal round begins, the potential new members enter through the door and are matched with a sorority woman. You then have about ten minutes to fall in love with each other. Just like in the dating world, you must decide if they are a good fit, then sell them on what you can offer.

2. We don’t always look like this.
All of the sorority girls are prancing around campus with matching outfits and beautiful hair, but that will all change. Some sororities wear coordinating outfits throughout the week, so we look unified and have a good appearance on campus. However, as soon as recruitment is over we will be in yoga pants and hoodies just like the other kids.

3. We are just as nervous as the freshman.
When sorority women go to rounds, we may seem like we are perfectly comfortable. But, we are just as nervous as the potential new members. In essence, no matter how loud we chant we still get butterflies.

4. We are not looking for drinking buddies.

My sorority is searching for women who share the same values as our founders, and that does not include binge drinking on the weekends. Greek life has a terrible reputation for drinking, but we are constantly striving to change the negative stereotypes.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Not all Marketers are Evil

As a marketing major, I have heard a lot of negativity about what we advertise and promote to children. Our ethics are put to test when we are told to market unhealthy food and inappropriate video games to young children.

One example of unethical marketing that has been directed towards young females is the classic Barbie doll. The toy has given youngsters an unrealistic view of beauty, and has taught children that girls are only interested in shopping and boys. On one end, marketers are concerned with sales, but they must keep in mind the message they are sending has a negative impact on society.

Today, consumers want toys that make women appear strong, smart, and exploratory. So, Lego is looking to change the industry by offering female Lego characters that are paleontologists, astronomers, and chemists. This will give young women the message that they too can be smart and adventurous just like the boys. 

Marketers may be to blame for your child wanting a fast food burger, but we rarely are noted for the positive impacts we have on society. Marketers started the trend for buying local, and thousands of teens have stopped smoking because of our campaigns. Marketers may be in it for the money, but we are not all evil.